Florence, city of art par excellence, born in Florence great names such as Dante, Boccaccio, Machiavelli and Galileo Galilei. Florence has also been graced by the works of Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Botticelli, Donatello and Giotto.

Anyone visiting Florence is never left disappointed! This is due to a cultural and artistic heritage almost unique in Europe and in the world, which has its base in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in its heyday. Florence, along with Rome, are the history of our civilization. In Florence, in the fifteenth century, were postte the basics to revive art and culture. Here, thanks to writers such as Dante, Petrarch, and Machiavelli was born the Italian culture and language. Artists such as Botticelli, Michelangelo and Donatello made one of the artistic capitals of the world.




Florence was founded in 59 BC by the Romans, who named Florentia.Si note the "cardo maximus" in the current Via Strozzi, Via degli Speziali and Via del Corso, and the "decumanus" Calimala in the street, Via Roma, Via Por Santa Maria . In the Piazza della Repubblica was the Forum. During the imperial period the city saw increasing its wealth, became a shopping center where there were craftsmen in the workshops, which then make the famous Florence. During the barbarian invasions, the city suffered many sieges by the Ostrogoths, the Byzantines and the Goths of Totila. Since the invasion of the Lombards at the first mention of a Duke in the city, the people gathered around the Bishops, in fact at that time they build monasteries, which became centers of culture and business. It was conquered by the Lombards in the sixth century, and only later the city emerged from the mists of the Middle Ages as a city-state indipendente.Quando the Lombards were defeated by the Franks, the Duke was replaced by Count. The Counts were succeeded by the Marquis, one should remember the admiration of the people of Florence for the Countess Matilda in 1085 that armed himself against Henry IV, and guaranteed to the town half a century of wise policy. He reached the highest heights of splendor between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries, becoming one of the major centers of power in Italy, a balance between the authority of the Emperors and Popes, overcoming the problems of internal fighting between the Guelphs and Ghibellines. In the fifteenth century Florence came under the rule of the Medici family, wealthy banking dynasty that later became the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. Florence and throughout Tuscany remained under the rule of the Medici family for three centuries. It was just that the heyday of the city, from the point of view of artistic, cultural, political and economic. The city grew in a frightening way. Painters, sculptors and architects filled streets, churches and buildings with the greatest works of the Renaissance. The Grand Duchy of the Medicis was succeeded, in the eighteenth century, that of Lorraine, until 1860, the year in which Tuscany became part of the Kingdom of Italy of which Florence was the capital from 1865 to 1871.

FLORENCE, 1000-1300


The city of Florence in the XI and XII expands and went to the south, on the right bank of the Arno. Over the river rose the first villages, and then in 1172 they built a second wall. Within the first wall, the urban fabric was very thick, consisting mainly of case-towers, however, between the first and second wall construction was much more sparse and regular, consisting of terraced houses. Between the twelfth and thirteenth century, the city increased its sales force, the core of this force is made by artisans, blacksmiths, shoemaker, of the goldsmiths, with particular development in the processing of wool. At the end of 1100 the city had reached its municipal autonomy. In the thirteenth century the government was made by the Consuls, with the help of Citizens Advice. Those who held power in the higher classes were chosen accordingly rivalry arose between the richest families. The families were brought together in alliances, this condition goes under the company name of the towers, the houses grew in height, if they became a fortress and by movable bridges, allied families, formed a system of towers easily defensible. The condition of the company town imposed an architecture of houses elongated vertically, with narrow openings, holes and brackets for the beams of the movable bridges. The discord between the major families became more and more severe until the formation of two parties, the Guelphs that loyal to the Pope hostile to the Emperor, and Ghibellines, loyal to the Emperor hostile to the Pope At first the Ghibellines had the upper hand, but the Their success was short and in 1250 the Guelphs returned to power. The City had a sort consists of the Signoria and the city enjoyed a period of great prosperity. In this period, the treaties of alliance with Lucca, Siena, Arezzo and purchases of Volterra, San Gimignano, Poggibonsi. All this wealth did rekindle the conflict between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, and after a short period of Ghibelline domain, the Guelphs resumed power and finally claimed their rule over the city. Great importance was divided into major and minor guilds, among the major arts were the Arte della Lana, that of Calimala, one of the Judges and Notaries, Physicians and Apothecaries, which brought wealth and prosperity in the city. At the end of the thirteenth century, is defined as the political and religious center of the city, with the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo Vecchio. The triumph of the people, also led to the triumph of his tongue "vulgar", which is stated as written and spoken language, because of all the dialects was the most harmonious. With the wealth was the desire to make the city more beautiful, have the first Florentine personalities such as Cimabue, Gaddo Gaddi for painting, Arnolfo di Cambio for sculpture, and announced the genius of Dante and Giotto. There is a plethora of churches: S. Michele Visdomini, SS. Apostles, St. Nicholas, Santa Margherita Sopr'Arno, which will be added to the Baptistery and the church of Santa Reparata.

Florence, 1300-1400


In the first half of the fourteenth century there are very important events for the social and economic life of Florence. Under the pressure of the growth phase, there were many plants of new towns, in fact the Walled Terre Florence, were intended to support the choices of the local political formations, taking the leadership. At the beginning of the century the urban fabric of the city and the development lines developed in the previous century do not undergo modifications background. L 'last walls began in 1248, was completed in 1333, the circle included the towns and new industrial, religious, that were formed outside the doors of some of the existing roof, near the main road axes. Some of the new poles were born to the action carried out by various mendicant orders (Carmelites, Franciscans). These were orders from time settled in the vicinity of the previous circle, along the main routes: Via Romana, the paths towards the Valdarno, the way to the area of ​​Prato - Pistoia, the way to Mugello and passes towards Bologna. In addition to these settlements along the circle you had settlements of a patrician, who had created important changes in the urban fabric. Then you notice a rise of new building types. The phenomenon was due especially to the richest families, who had strong interests in the countryside. Other changes occur in the area within the ancient circle of 1078, particularly in the area around the market. These interventions require a readjustment of the city to the new functional requirements and especially the image. This century is characterized by different lines of transformation of the urban fabric. Large families were the protagonists of the aggregation properties of the building, and typological transformations. In these classes we owe the creation of hospitals, charitable religious. The rules were issued by the Judiciary and bodies of the Municipality, and took care of the line referred to the initiatives of the public, so the places intended for public representation and the city's infrastructure. Another line of transformation was that of the new building initiatives, the promoters were generally religious bodies or other corporations, such as the Arts The building type was that of houses arranged next to each other, located on lots with front road greatly reduced. The Florence of this century was renewed with respect to the thirteenth century, but the pattern of operation was always the same. The urban fabric was configured according to a hierarchical conception and in its parts, which in its functions, and then reflected the hierarchical structure of the institutions of the time. After that was completed last walls, the territory was divided into four districts, each district was divided into four banners. In the oldest, the one around the Old Market, there were the residences and shops of many ancient families, as well as major political offices. In particular, had settled the premises of the Arts principal. This is then presented as a very saturated, characterized by a street fabric minute, and a housing very thickened. In the confined space of the oldest part of the city, were opposed to the squares around the Cathedral and the Baptistery. A fabric was more contrasted between the band occupied by the penultimate circle and the circuit last circle. In this area the plot very dense houses and small shops, were the great monastic buildings or religious mendicant orders of the Franciscans and Dominicans. The towers were frequent in this part of town, some of which were incorporated in other buildings. In correspondence with small squares were the Lodges who welcomed meetings, becoming a standard in the relations of Florentine life. In the center of the city there were many construction sites, aimed at creating works of prestige, because continuing the work of the Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore), where it works is that the Talents Giotto, the Campanile of the Cathedral. Next to the cathedral were built, the church of Orsanmichele, the Loggia del Bigallo, working at the Loggia del Mercato, the Loggia dei Lanzi was redone the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella, and the Franciscan Santa Croce, Palazzo del Podesta (the Bargello), the system Piazza Signoria. It also worked to Carraia Bridge and Old Bridge (rebuilt in 1345). An important feature was that the presence of shops on the bridges (now remained only on Ponte Vecchio). The work of architectural renovation of the city, were assigned to Arnolfo di Cambio, thanks to him the Gothic style, popular in Europe by the Order Cluniac, acquires a balanced character, mediating with the Romanesque style manages to get in buildings, both civil and religious, an example of Gothic solemn, with bursts of content and harmonious. The city was splitting into two distinct parts: a more centrally located to the north of the river, the other outer lying around the first. The course of the Arno functioned as the backbone for the whole city, in fact there were excavations river, mills, fulling mills, was also an important source to pick up gravel and sand for construction. The clear articulation between parts of the city not to be found in the distribution of classes in the urban fabric of the city. The upper classes were not above the contact with the subordinate classes, the social fabric was mixed, next to the palace of the noble was flanked by the workshops, the craftsmen's workshops. At the end of the century we are increasingly close links between the citizens of Florence and the countryside. The landscape is modified by the interest of its citizens to invest in residences outside the city and the landscape takes on the appearance built and designed that has so captured the imagination of visitors.



The fifteenth century is for the city of Florence, a moment of recovery, both economic and cultural. The glory that you have given life to these new impulses, which then express the concept of rebirth, renewal of art, which will give birth to the Renaissance, goes all the city, which becomes the focus of this cultural movement. The Renaissance since its first phase of training, around the beginning of the fifteenth century, develops new issues, approaching the ancient with the spirit of innovation. The movement appears to be closely connected with the new Florentine merchant class, and just the new class, consisting of the families of the Picts, the Rucellai, the Medici, Strozzi, become promoters of the new culture and the new architectural taste. The Medici family, first with Cosimo the Elder, then with Lorenzo the Magnificent, he collaborates with artists, philosophers, studying fervently that the real debug a conception of 'man that expresses the desires of the new Signoria. As part of the culture of the Florentine Renaissance, Cosimo the Elder, who was the head of this great renewal movement, protecting the artists, encourages building initiatives and artistic useful to the city. In his dwellings met the Platonic Academy, Cosimo and after him Giuliano and Lorenzo were an active part in the debates, discussing good governance and art. Great fervor took place in the literary field, with Poggio Bracciolini, Coluccio Salutati, in philosophy, with Marsilio Ficino renewing the Platonic Academy at Careggi, we find in the architecture, Filippo Brunelleschi, followed by Michelozzo Michelozzo, Leon Battista Alberti, Bernardo Rossellini , Giuliano da Majano, Giuliano da San Gallo. Stimulation of this of this work is the study of 'art, culture and the Greek and Roman philosophy, studied scientifically. The artist will use traditional techniques, with a new consciousness, trying to deepen the investigation into the nature of reality and then the Renaissance artist, following this path, it works by combining the art scientific knowledge, which becomes common matrix , from which the artist can not be separated. Nature and art, they become two important factors, the knowledge of reality presupposes the study and knowledge of new media, the artist will be in perspective, perspective, which becomes an instrument of knowledge to measure and reproduce reality. These new studies will give splendid results in the fields of painting and sculpture, and will form the basis of the greatest works of painting, architecture and sculpture. In architecture the new studies are answered in the work of Brunelleschi, Donatello and Masaccio with, a key figure of the Florentine Renaissance. His masterpiece is the dome of St. Maria del Fiore, which summarizes its activities in a comprehensive manner. In addition to the Dome, working at the Ospedale degli Innocent, the Old Sacristy of San Lorenzo, around 1423, the Church of San Lorenzo, the church of S. Spirit in 1436. Between 1429 and 1443, directed the work of the Pazzi Chapel, Brunelleschi was the creator of the classic Renaissance palace in Florence, Palazzo Pitti is an example. The new mercantile society, is revealed in the elegant and robust architecture of the mansion. We have initiatives of groups fixing power in areas not central residences, too, for the greater ease of finding areas in the outer zones of the fabric of the city. You therefore have important consequences for urban planning, projected towards the affirmation of the desire of the leadership group, and enter the phase involving the new types of Renaissance palaces. The buildings that are built tend to define a type of regular building, with a square plan, an inner courtyard with columns. Palazzo Medici, Palazzo Pitti, Palazzo Strozzi, Rucellai Palace, are the new buildings that reflect the assertion of the wealth and power of the leading Florentine families.

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About 10 Km from Piombino, on the avenue leading to St. Vincent, it crosses the road in a few minutes leads to Baratti. Beautiful natural harbor, a synthesis between the beauty of its sea and its sunsets, and impressive archaeological remains of the ancient Etruscan necropolis. Tombs of various types, scattered throughout the territory invite you to a journey back through the ages in a mysterious and fascinating world

The road continues to climb then winding in the green of the Mediterranean, to the ancient Etruscan town of Populonia, which was also the largest center of the Mediterranean specializing in the smelting of iron obtained from the ores extracted from the nearby island of Elba. Located on top of a hill surrounded by the sea, retains its medieval walls built for defense against the Barbary pirates and the defense complex of the fortress built in the first half of the fifteenth century by Jacopo II Appiani. Within the walls lies a quaint little village fourteenth century, organized on the two longitudinal streets of San Giovanni di Sopra and San Giovanni di Sotto, where in a small but valuable private museum are preserved Etruscan and Roman artefacts found in excavations of the area and into the sea. From medieval fortress, which can be visited, opens an exceptional panorama of the valley below and the Tuscan archipelago. The Archaeological Park of Baratti and Populonia allows the full tour of the archaeological sites of the area.


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by webmaster@piramedia.it

The second of the "Three common", located on the crest of a spine running parallel to the sea. And 'animated by lively activities and village has a theater of the last century. In the older part still shows traces of the earthquake of 1846.

The name Guardistallo before Gualdistallo is of undoubted Lombard origin. The first human settlements, documented by archaeological finds, have been traced back to the prehistoric period. Finds axes and knives of stone and bronze, burials took place according to the rite of interment in a crouched position, testify to a human presence Guardistallo 4-5 thousand years before Christ. The finds are in the prehistoric section of the Archaeological Museum of Florence.

The castle of Guardistallo was under the dominion of the Counts of Gherardesca, branch Montescudaio, about the year one thousand until the fall of the Republic of Pisa in Florence in 1406, when it became a municipality. The statutes were drawn up together with those of Montescudaio and earned for both countries, many magistrates were unique. In 1447, like many other castles of the Val di Cecina, was occupied by the troops of Alfonso of Aragon, King of Naples, which destroyed most of the houses and buildings. However, remained standing in the keep of the castle of Auditors, which was shot down only by the earthquake of 1846.

Missing news on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, we only know that in 1551 Guardistallo had 428 inhabitants.

In 1739 the territory was incorporated in the estate of the Marquis Carlo Ginori composed of the territories of Cecina, Riparbclla, Farmhouse and part of Bibbona.In those years from the coastal plain spread malaria that made many victims, including in countries hills and thick woods that prevented ventilation contributed to aggravate the situation. In 1742, the Targioni Tozzetti visited the country and described it thus: "Guardistallo was already huge castle, but today has suffered a lot and there are many ruins [...]. Has the nearby woods and has very good water. He is, however, true that anyone who does not have to beat the plain in the Summer, you bell and very healthy. "From the coastal plain in fact spread malaria that made many victims, including in countries hills and thick woods that prevented the ventilation were aggravating the disease. In 1745 Guardistallo had 415 inhabitants and was not increased compared to 200 years ago, but even that had suffered sharp decline of the population that is found in many other towns in the area at this time.

After the dissolution of the feudal system and the redistribution of land in the sphere of agrarian reform Leopoldina is also formed in Guardistallo, starting from 1776, a new class of wealthy landowners who favored the development of agriculture and subsequent growth of the country in Guardistallo 1833 had 1,140 inhabitants.

On 14 August 1846 the countries of the Tuscan coast were struck by a violent earthquake that struck in a few moments houses, palaces, churches and towers. Much of the medieval castles in the area between Casale, Volterra and Pisa was destroyed on that occasion. Guardistallo, along with Orciano VaI in Tora, was the country that reported the most damage. 70% of homes were destroyed and part of the castle, the highest in the country, was completely ruined: the keep of the castle with surrounding homes, the church with the bell tower and the cemetery were reduced to a pile of rubble. 117 families were left homeless.

In his book Story of Tremoto, published in Pisa in the same 1846 Leopoldo Pilla describes the situation of the country: "When you say that the earthquake of 14 August reduced the country of Guardistallo into a heap of ruins, nothing left to add. Not a house, not a roof was almost saved by the whirlwind that art does not demolish. [...) And yet, in the midst of such upheaval, among many extended mine that country does not matter that the death of an only child. Amazing what! [...] The huts were badly costrutte from top to bottom nabissate. [...] The (Franceschi home) had all the boxes in front of the wall collapsed and strapiombato in its upper part in a frightful manner, but standing. [...] A young man gave Guardistallo have proof of great courage in the occasion that you had appuntellare that wall to prevent its fall to finish smashing the neighboring houses.

After the earthquake there is a phase of reconstruction and expansion of the country. In 1870 the new church was built on the side of the town facing the sea and almost contemporary is the construction of Villa Elena, residential house of Marchionneschi, one of the most important families of Guardistallo. In 1883 they built the Marchionneschi even a theater, a place of recreation for the rich families of the district and the expression of their wealth. E 'with reference to these times and reminder of the elegance of the life of his lords, that Guardistallo was also called "the little Paris" and its inhabitants were known as "Longstocking".

At the end of World War II, in 1944, the retreating German army put in place a fierce retaliation in response to guerrilla actions that took place in the area. Sixty-three people, including women, boys, many of the displaced and the mayor, elected just the day before, were captured, brought out of the country and shot. A second massacre of another 120 people were prevented at the last moment only by the courageous intervention of the parish priest, Don Bunch Rafanelli. The site of the massacre, along the road to Cecina, is marked by a memorial and the day of the massacre, on June 29, is commemorated every year with a procession. Ever since the war the number of the inhabitants of Guardistallo is declining and the last census fell below the threshold of 1,000: 936 souls from country to campaign against 1,002 in 1981.Oggi the country is geared mainly towards tourism.


Taken from the Guide to the Val di Cecina, curated by Susanne Mordhorst, New Image Publishing

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by webmaster@piramedia.it

It is said that Bibbona was one of the strongest castles in the Maremma, surrounded by turreted walls and defended by a deep ditch. Still obvious is its size of inhabited fortress, built on a low hill.

So it appears entering the maze of narrow medieval layout and building types in which they emerge from different eras and the church of San Ilario eleventh century.

Also evident links with the agriculture of a castle in which, according to a statute of 1400, the head of the family were expected to plant an olive tree every year at least and two fruit trees and also to make the garden.

Just outside the entrance to the castle one of the glories of Bibbona: the beautiful Renaissance church Santa Maria della Pieta, built at the end of the 400 project of Vittorio Ghiberti, Lorenzo's son.

Church of St. Hilary

On the front there is a door architrave finished at the top. Next to the entrance there is a memorial plaque. On the sides are mullioned windows and faux wood. The bell tower stands leaning against the right side. The Church is bordered on the left and right with Via Roma Via Vittorio Veneto.

Palace Gardini

The façade is finished with plaster, and two rows of windows framed in a frame of smooth stone, the same that surrounds the door and on which there is the coat of arms with a tower in the field.

Comune Vecchio

The building has been the seat of legal and later played the role of common

Church St. Joseph

On the facade of this church opens the portal of entry above which there is a plate with a coat of arms and a small rose window, and on the side there are traces of openings now walled up.

Oratory of S. Niccolò

The entrance gate to the seeds side pillars and the window above does not presentente in other churches of the place.

Church of Santa Maria della Pietà

The articulation of architectural and decorative is shown by the main facade, which is characterized by the presence of a simple rose window. Then this Church has a small bell tower.



The first Etruscan Villanovan settlements that developed in Tuscany between the X and IIX sec. BC have been brought to light in part on the territory of Bibbona.

Many finds from the tombs are above the Etruscans in fact being very religious and gave importance to the death to the passage of the afterlife.

To this made the graves of their real homes, taking our place all the objects belonging to the deceased which could be useful in later life. Due to the richness of the finds, we can say that in the sixth seventh century. the Etruscans came into contact with Greek civilization. Proof of this are the graves of warrior princes dating from the Orientalizing period. The monks and precious objects found in the tombs testify to the skill of the Etruscans in the processing of various metals including gold. In the area, the activities involving gold and steel industry developed in Populonia, where the necropolis was active until the first century. BC when the whole territory was conquered by the Romans.

On the rock of reddish tuff, shelly, very compact, Tertiary origin, was born Bibbona, located at 80 m. above sea level, south of the river Cecina, 7 km from the coast. The name itself suggests, after several transformations, its Etruscan origin: VIPI, VIVIPI, VIPINA, VIPUNA, Vibona, BIBONA.

The birth of this small village probably dates back to the eighth century. BC (Etruscan Villanovan period), as well as those of Montescudaio and Casale, consisting of huts, whose inhabitants lived hunting, cultivating and nurturing, as evidenced by the discovery of a large quantity of tools and small bronzes found in a votive deposit.

Meanwhile in the area, the village of Velhatri (Volterra) became more and more important due to the development of agricultural activities-craft and trade, with whom arrived from the coast Eastern influences (Greek).

From the eighth to the sixth century. BC, about the archaeological finds such as jewelry, luxury items for banquets, weapons, bronze axes, belonged to the so-called "Principles warriors", it is called oriental period, as in the area worked to order some Greek artists, which were then imitated by the locals.

With the development of Volterra, there was also the birth of aristocratic families who had control of the territory as they moved into the villages and some members became "Heads-village" or "Principles warriors", as they began to control both the economy that the defensive organization.

The Principles were distinguished by the people because they had the possession of weapons and death were buried in monumental tombs, accompanied by precious objects and finely crafted to the oriental manner.

All the exhibits are visible today in the Archaeological Museum of Florence, as well as one of the most beautiful pieces of bronze sculpture, the "goat of Bibbona" ​​perhaps the handle (handle) of a vessel dating from the fifth century. BC

We do not know with certainty the exact location where it was found, probably comes from one of the tholos tombs (in underground) found in the vicinity of the farm "La Ghinchia" (on the Via Aurelia between California and Cecina).

These tombs are contemporary to those "tholos" found in Casale and Casaglia dating back to the fifth century. BC

The tomb of Casale was moved and rebuilt in the Archaeological Museum of Florence, while that of Casaglia, in the garden of the Technical Office of Cecina. Some exhibits, such as urns, still containing the ashes of the deceased, are preserved in the museum Guarnacci of Volterra.

Still in Bibbona, on the "Way of the millstones," (so called because in the past there was a mill) in the vicinity of the historic center, was found, although badly preserved, a rock tomb.

The structure of this particular type of tomb is much better seen and appreciated in the necropolis of Norchia (Tarquinia) and Sovana (Grosseto).

Other tombs, this time "a subterranean chamber", carved into the rock can still be seen in Via of the millstones and the long one that leads from Bibbona in Casale, today these are simply the caves, called "niches", poorly preserved and partly destroyed, when the road was widened, so the twelve found, if it can recognize only four.

This type of tomb, much better preserved, is visible in the woods of Buche delle Fate, in Populonia.

In the area between Bibbona and Casale were found fragments of ceramic vases painted black (oinochai - olpai), and a bronze depicting a Gorgon's head, dating from the fourth and second century. BC, in fact, at that time there was the Etruscan town of Casalvecchio and the underlying necropolis of Casanocera, from which the numerous remains of the tombs of the Princes warriors, so called because the wealth of furniture funeral made me think of noble tombs.

Among the most beautiful and best preserved there is a helmet and a bronze ax (bronze for the Etruscans had the ax symbol of wealth and power), these were undoubtedly funeral ornaments are unfit for combat, also l ' ax was enriched with stylized ducks stuck in the wooden handle (ornamental elements orientalizing).

Were also found other objects such as a necklace in ivory (VIII century BC.) With a pendant depicting a monkey eating a coconut, with a water bottle pendants bronze fibula in the shape of a horse found in a woman's grave ( VII century BC.).

The area of ​​Montescudaio is the vessel urn (or urn) of the seventh century. BC found in a tomb in the cockpit, in the past the base had been restored in an improper manner that was later removed, whereas the lid, bowl-shaped inverted, it is quite well preserved and reproduces the scene of a funeral feast: sitting on a throne (the back is destroyed) is shown the dead in front of a table with three legs (paws of a lion), can be recognized on the table loaves of bread and cheese, on the other side of the table there is a woman standing (the lowest of the deceased, however, to show his allegiance) with arms up to hold a fan or bless the table.

The woman has her hair in a braid (braid hairstyle could also be masculine but only for the nobles), next to the table there is a big pot "crater" where it was mixed wine and water according to the use greek, on the other side of the table you can see the base of another crater, destroyed.

The dead man is sitting at the table, according to the most ancient Etruscan tradition, in fact, in the seventh century. BC had not yet been assimilated the Greek custom of eating lying on a sofa "triclinic" as will happen later, habit also demonstrated by the urns found.

The vessel has only one handle, decorated with a seated figure with hands on his knees (gesture of sadness), this figure sore could be a relative or the dead man himself.

In the fifth century. BC in the territory, on the hills that separate the valley of the Cecina from the Era, the village of Volterra, became a major city-state where you went saying many aristocratic families, but this involved depopulation, the loss of importance and autonomy the other villages of the Val di Cecina as Casale, Casaglia and Bibbona.

In the fourth and until the second century. BC there was a revival of rural settlements, followed by a new demographic crisis but which we do not know with certainty the cause, you'll probably concurred the widening of the swampy and malarial the surrounding plains.


Also in the area of ​​Val di Cecina, were found the remains of the next "Roman period", fragments of pottery are both smooth and decorated in relief, buckles hinged funds cups dating to the 1st century. A.D. sign of the existence of human settlements especially in the rustic villas built in the area along the river Cecina.

These were real farms where slaves worked for the production of grapes, olives, fruit trees and crops that were plentiful were not only used for immediate consumption, but also for trade in basic commodities for the rich economy of the Empire Roman.

Towards the end of the third sec.d.C. however, began a slow abandonment of the villas that continued throughout the fourth and fifth centuries AD up to almost total depopulation of the area.

Also in the area are also numerous Roman tombs were found such as "Capuchin", the oldest is that of Belora Low (Riparbella) of the first century. A.D. where it was found a lamp and four balsam glass, in other urns were found in tuff and alabaster. Always the first and second century AD is the necropolis in the locality FIELD TO THE PEBBLES in the municipality of Cecina, these dating to the 1st and 2nd century. A.D.

They were found also in the stretch of sea off the mouth of the Cecina, considered the port of Volterra, and along the coast of Vada, of underwater finds that testify to the existence of port calls or staging points on the Tyrrhenian routes; important finding is was a wreck cargo of amphorae, a millstone and two anchor stocks in the lead.

On the coast there were also the salt mines and brick factories, so the whole area, full of opportunities, attracted many inhabitants who settled from the coast to the locations of the inner and Linaglia Paratino, and the whole area was a knot of intense commercial traffic.

A large number of exhibits, set to increase from excavations of the Roman Villa of San Vincenzino identified as that of ALBINO Caecina, located 2 km from the coast on a small hill to the left of the river.

The Caecina were a prominent family, descended from the noble Etruscan Volterra, the KAIKNAS-CAETNA-CAEICNA - Caecina that with the advent of the Romans latinized their names in Caecina. A member of this family has left us a translation of an Etruscan text of magic, thus giving us a chance to understand it.

The findings from the villa testify that this had a long period of activity: a coin (axis) of Octavian, dates back to 40 BC, fragments of cups are of the first century. a. C., other ceramics are of the second century. AD, ceramics and African cooking reaching the fifth century. A.D.

The excavations that began in 1850 brought to light wall and floor coverings in marble, white and colored, also a mosaic with geometric shapes, capitals and bases of columns, parts of rooms and various busts.

The plan of the villa is typical Roman: a large atrium on the facade towards the hills, a thermal plant on the left side (south-west), the back rooms of the servants, warehouses, depots and oil. The baths were excavated only some circles as the halls of CALIDARIUM, with the adjoining semi-circular pool, behind the environments with boilers "KITCHEN" and here were found and coal stoves, another excavation to the east, perhaps the concerns thepidarium with a rectangular swimming pool which is accessed via two steps, on one side halls opened the gym.

Near the villa and probably connected to it for the supply of water, there is a large underground water system comprising a cistern, tunnels and collection channels that run for another 200 m.

In the part of the villa used as a warehouse, it has emerged from the excavations also a early Christian cemetery dating from the fifth century AD In fact the villa as all the others in the area, after depopulation, after the fall of the rich economic system based on Roman rural villas, finally collapsed with the fall of the Roman Empire (472 AD) and the population moved to the cities.

The few remaining residents took advantage of the building material of the villa until exhausted, after the area became a cemetery.

Until now, over 120 burials have been found, but there should be many more, in fact this SAN vincenzino is considered the largest early Christian cemetery in all of Tuscany.

The burials are found all graves, arranged in east-west direction, very simple, where the dead was laid bare or wrapped in a towel, without any ornament, so it was quite complex back to the period of burial, however, we know that the most recent grave dating back to the Middle Ages (eighth century AD)

For the basic ground, many burials are well preserved and have been extremely useful for an anthropological study of the ancient inhabitants, in fact we know from the skeletons found that the average time was around 27-30 years, the deaths were from violent causes but due to illness but excluding malaria, as it would be led to believe, the power was good, rich in cereals, fruits, olive oil and wine, and with the first infiltration barbarian, after the fall of the Roman Empire, was enriched greatly meat and especially the pork, this animal who found a favorable environment and diet abundant in fruits of oaks and holm oaks surrounding the spots.



In the territory of Bibbona, until the fifth century. the population was poor and displaced in villages scattered on the hills, but some village was built in the plain, near the churches and the main roads (the Via Aurelia, the Via Emilia, and Volterrana).

Some castles were built then on the pre-existing villages Latin, while others function as principals were born in high places to guard both of the pirates from the coast, that the barbarians allocated in the interior, to remember between these castles Riparbella, Montescudaio, Guardistallo, and Bibbona Bolgheri.

Against Turkish pirates and Saracens were built along the coast several watchtowers and defense of these today, though with many renovations, it remains the so-called STRONG BIBBONA.

At the end of the eighth century. the Arimanni (smallholders Lombards with the obligation of military service learning) strengthened these castles and inglobarono property in the woods, the meadows, the neighboring lands, thus giving rise feudal organization typical of the entire period.

Bibbona during the High Middle Ages (700), we have only scarce and fragmentary information about a small town, near via Aurelia, named ASILACTUM from "asylum actae" that asylum on the coast, in fact there was a hospital ("asylum "), which was a place of rest and refuge for pilgrims along the area.

According to other sources, the settlement was called "AD SALATICUM" being near the sea and salt marshes.

To locate Bibbona as a castle and have the first news we have to get up to 1100 in the morphology of the country, even at first glance, it immediately gives the image of a medieval village enclosed in ancient city walls, for irregular that supports the contours of the land, this unfortunately today there are only a few traits as the bastion emiciclico and a tower.

Beyond the walls there were and are of the ditches, the "Botro Madonna" and the "Botrello of Bacchus", intended for the collection and flow of water.

From a document of 1872, the history of Bibbona, edited by Canon Righi, we know that in the eighth century. the village under the despotic rule of the Arimanni had to endure numerous abuses and in this respect is still remembered the LEGEND OF Agilulfo, lord of the place, who lived with his soldiers in the Torre della Mirandola, (now this is the only remaining blocks of shelly tuff) located not far from the village in the direction of the Macchia Magona and 2 km from the current farm "Le Badie," whose house stands on the ruins of the old monastery of 700, remembered by the name of ABBEY OF ST MARY'S MANSIO (mansio = farm) or even ABBEY DE 'MAGI.

Our whole area during the High Middle Ages, was the site of monasteries and churches (Latin for "plebs" = people, asked for the people) of which remain scarce remains in place and Camposassino Pievaccia.

Other churches and hospices for pilgrims on their way to Linaglia arose, Paratino, Montalpruno and all were part of a journey of faith, run parallel to the better known FRANCIGENA or Romea, who came from France to Rome and went to the Holy Land,

is on this path also the church and hospice S. JOHANNIS DE BIBONA.

Around 1000 Bibbona and the surrounding area were owned by the Bishop of Lucca which were then granted on lease accounts Tedice and Ugo Della Gherardesca family that already had control of the area.

In 1100 they built the counts in the highest part of the village, the castle and in 1175 the church of St. Hilary.

Along the walls there were three towers, of which today we can see in Victory Square, the only one left, known as "The Rock," this in tuff, was initially the main tower "Mastio", the fortified residence of the accounts in the event of war, then in 1400 became a watchtower and today, much lower than originally because the floor collapsed in the earthquake of 1846, is used for residential purposes.

Along the wall there were also originally of doors: one called "Gate of the Sun" (destroyed in 1785) was the beginning of Via delle Mura, in the left corner of the square of the church of St. Hilary, near present-day " Clock Tower ", another called" Porta a Kiss ", also disappeared not even know the probable location.

In early 1200 the castle passed Bibbona, as a free city under the rule of the Republic of Pisa and according to a parchment preserved in the town of Volterra, the Bishop of the Diocese leased to the inhabitants of the village, 67 houses, also farms, forests, pastures, vineyards and orchards were assigned to 124 families for a total rental of 6 pounds, 9 and 11 money money.

According to the Statutes of the time Pisa, Bibbona already in 1284, was the seat of the Captain of Justice and the Notary and throughout 1300 was undoubtedly the most important castle in the area, as evidenced by the many churches, monasteries and churches that belonged: Saint Andrew, Saint Blaise, San Cerbone, St. Christopher, St. Philip and St. James, St. Mary and St. Hilary of Mansi.

Since 1345 Bibbona was head of the castles of the area in the revolt against the Republic of Pisa, but to no avail and in 1397 the territory was still under the rule of Pisa.

When in 1406, Florence subdued Pisa, Bibbona and the family of the Counts of Gherardesca voluntarily went to the Republic of Florence so that was allowed them to retain the seat of the Captain of Justice and the Notary.

The Florentine rule continued until 1494, when following the descent of the French led by Carlo 8th, Pisa took back the castle, but in fact nearly two years later, in 1496 Florence was again the dominance of Bibbona which was chosen as headquarters of the garrison and fortress to thwart the rescue besieged in Pisa.

As evidence of 'autonomy which could have Bibbona, we can still read the first statutes dating back to 1407 which remained in force and regulate the lives of the population until 1700.

However, in those years (late 1300 to 1400) the area because of ongoing wars between Pisa and Florence, the threat of pirates and the spread of malaria, was much in decline and the countryside, the churches and monasteries were abandoned by the population who preferred to move around inside the castle and the church of St. Hilary.


LAST three centuries

The environmental and demographic criticisms were maintained throughout the first half of 1700, where they were found reside

nts and only 76 families in extreme poverty, as he wrote the naturalist Targioni Tozzetti in 1742, the air especially in the summer was "very bad", there was no drinkable water, because the tanks were used in the past as "failed", the castle was "very full of dwellings" but mostly ruined, very narrow streets contributed to the "bad air."

The wolves and wild boars continued to be a daily danger for which the reward for those who killed them went from 50 to 80 pounds.

Towards the end of the century, the Grand Dukes with the Leopoldine reforms sold at auction the lands of the castle and the people who lived on these were forced to leave them to the new and wealthy owners, including the Gardini family emerged that throughout 1800 he held the the most important administrative tasks of the Municipality.

With the new distribution of land divided into private properties, the yield, especially of wheat increased a lot (8 times the seed), consequently followed by a significant increase in the population of 658 inhabitants at the beginning of the century, came to more than 1000 in 1850, also in the area, to the north of the country, there was an active saltpetre factory, and some alabaster quarries that remained open until the early 1900s.

In the first decade of the 1800s, Bibbona was invaded by Napoleon's army, to punish the attempt at resistance implemented by the population, they set fire to the archive Municipal destroying many historical and personal documents of the community.

Increasingly, this period was the birth of the first municipal school and the end of the figure of the notary (existing since 1400), which was replaced by the law of Napoleon, by Justice of the Peace.

As he wrote the Grand Duke, however, the environmental conditions in 1835 were not much better than in the past, there was still water, especially in the summer months as the public cistern supplied rainwater only drinking the village was always made up of narrow streets and dirty, the houses leaning against each other were poorly ventilated and unhealthy.

Pastoralism practiced in the Poggio to the bramble, raising sheep and goats, also on the hills were cultivated olive groves and vineyards, while in the plain wheat and grazing there herds of horses and cows.

The work was mainly carried out by laborers, who do not own land having worked the fields of landowners and they were paid on a daily or monthly basis with the bread with wheat, in this way not only circulating money, but poverty was getting worse so much so that at the end of 1800 he was strong exodus to the nearby towns such as expanding Cecina and Piombino.

In 1873 Bibbona also lost the municipal seat that was transferred to the Municipality of Cecina, in the "Lease di Cecina", where at the time it was just a staging post, but an area in evolution and population growth due to the presence of very-way traffic important.

When he was recognized as an independent municipality Cecina, Bibbona also be returned to the municipality (1906), and both belonged to the Province of Pisa until 1925, when it passed to that of Livorno.

In the second half of 1900 the population of Bibbona has stabilized at around 2,800 inhabitants, whereas the municipality also includes the settlements of California and Marina del Forte, of these 25% are still dedicated to agriculture, while the other 75 % work in the service sector and especially in the tourism sector.


It is a building that has in it two kinds of factory different structure: it includes in fact a fortress trapezoidal, externally covered with red brick against which we see well the hoof and creasing, made of gray stone, and a second building block, this rather square, obtained by the superposition of three floors and internally articulated and well covered as any building for residential purposes.

The history

The story of the historic Fort Bibbona has been excellently reconstructed by Daniela Stiaffini, curator with Vinicio Bagnoli card Ministerial catalog dedicated to it. As deduced from the historical record traced, its construction was caused by the need to ensure that area of ​​coastline effective military defense against the dangers arising from pirates; equally decisive also a need to establish a presidio useful control to hinder smuggling, while ensuring to complete the customs functions. If judged in relation to the principles behind the policy of Peter Leopold, under whose auspices he found implementation of the project on modernization of the military along the Tuscan coast, creating the Forte is colored by another value: the intention of the sovereign, in fact, the construction of new forts would have to result in the birth of settlements Related Contents with them, causing, as a direct consequence, the implementation of initiatives aimed at the rehabilitation of the land. When you have reordered the historical archives in Bibbona, have been identified interesting documents belonging Health Office of the fort. Five "newspapers Health Service" from 1841 to 1858, four registers "copy orders and circulars health" from 1832 to 1861 and five registers "Landings" and "Departures" fishers of boats and ships carrying 1841 to 1868. The first set of documents, reports journaling on the weather, of any sightings on the horizon, the shifts and the names of members of the garrison stationed at the Fort. The function of the guards of the fort was over health surveillance also police and then also received reports of boats wanted for tax fraud or suspected of piracy. Finally, the last set of documents, books of the landing, informs on the most ordinary of the garrison, or the recording of arrivals, the quality of the ships, their name and the name and age of the captain, the nation to which they belong , the number of crew members ... Most of cargoes and vessels, which generally came empty from Livorno and Vada, left again after loading firewood. In more recent times, the Fort became part of the property of the Ministry of Finance and is now the "Pensione Margherita" managed by the Diocese of Volterra.

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